Little Monster hiding sweets behind his back.
a break with hot chocolate
For Shash's textile pattern week.
A close up from a discarded plastic canvas chair from our neighbours.
We use it for relaxing on the terrace.
I guess it's eighties and a wonderful example for something that's
so ugly that it's almost good again (but I think it's more on the ugly
That's a very interesting topic and a fine line between cult and no cult.
my profile
Do you know this game:
Somebody picks blind a few words from a wordbook and everybody
tries to invent a story with these words. I think the words in the title
are great for this game:
Little Monster - hot chocolate - canvas chair - profile
It's quite a complete story yet - think up something surprising!
Want to play?
Posted by Karin Kramer on 02/12/2008 | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)