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i woke up to that heaven. it happens suddenly.


It is so clear and bright there! I commented on your top photo at your flickr ;)
did I ask you already if you will be posting your power lines collaboration together?


Hi Heather,
yes you did, but I didn't answer yet ;)
We are planning to make a kind of guestblogging in each others blog, I'll tell you more in a post the next days.


Karin and Heather,
Yes, guestblogging about powerlines is going to be the adventure for 2008! I am looking forward to it! So, Karin, first guestblog post this week?
Fabulous links today!


Here where I live it has been grey and "snowy" weather for days now...I want some sunshine too!
How nice of you to put the link to my blog here:)

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