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what great facades. and, I'm a day late, but many belated happy returns to you!


took my husband on a tour of your shop and your flickr. he loved the print- he was thinking of places to hang it, but I told him I had a place chosen. he likes your work, very much.


Wonderful photo series today!


Karin, these images are lovely and abstract.
Good birthday yesterday???

Marie-Louise Sundqvist

It s a special atmosphere in your gray façade photos, I wonder what that hides inside in the window, or perhaps it better not to know…
Hope your year to 40 becomes to be a good year!

Alicia A.

Happy (belated) birthday!


Hope your birthday was great! Like your facades , and also yhe link to Tomas Wrede's surreal photo world


I'm enjoying your green collection... Happy belated birthday too.

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