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oh! I would love to be your third PIF person. If it's still available.
Let me know.


How nice! Kristi, you're in!

Lori (castanet on flickr)

karin, i would have jumped in, but i just joined the PIF on jen's blog (simplyphoto) .. lol. i don't want to be greedy! plus, i am overburdened with three items to make, let alone 6! :^)


You're sweet, Lori. So nice to see you here.


Nope... a bar of soap was not what I would have guessed. Looking at it now it seems so clear... it's like reading a detective novel for the second time and seeing all the clues and red herrings for what they are.
see you, grache


Very good! That's what I intended :)


i guessed soap but didn't have a clue what kind. that was fun karin!


i didn't guess right, i cheated! good game though :)

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